
Raven Black – The Scream Tour Shattered Cincinnati

On Friday, August 18, the 2023 Scream Tour slithered and creepy crawled into Cincinnati onto and across the Legends stage leaving blood, sweat and deep fingernail marks in its wake. The trek headlined by L.A. based theatrical dark metal circus Raven Black gave a dolled up performance complete with props and possessed passion. Direct support came from the modern day Vampira, Living Dead Girl with t...[Read More]

Defacing God – The New Cult of Lilith

You could call them hells guitar chord choir, an unholy evolution evoking incantations and lyrical hymns or a five-way unholy resurrection with Denmark’s death metal necro-newcomers Defacing God at the helm. Led by the wicked hand of vocalist/lyricist and creative director Sandie Gjørtz, Her defiant desires and macabre mantras paint a burning portrait of Lilith as they see her, praising her wicked...[Read More]

The Heard – Welcome to The Island

At face value combining three parts of Crucified Barbara, one part Deathstars and one part burlesque might seem a weird combination but when you hear the results, it’s easy to see and hear why it happened. Klara Force, Ida Evileye and Nicki Wikkid have moved on from Barbara, recruiting Skinny Disco on lead guitar, discovering the untapped fronting voice of burlesque performer Pepper Potemkin to fo...[Read More]

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