Derision Cult – Charlatans Inc.

Derision Cult – Charlatans Inc.

Charlatans Inc. is the 15th release from Derision Cult. Chicago’s answer to what scientifically could musically happen if Ministry, The Butthole Surfers, Rob Zombie and Skinny Puppy were melted together and diabolically merged in Frankenstein’s lab. The newest Molotov concoction is masterminded by Chicago’s Dave McAnally.

The material was conceived in 2020, a year that will remain infamous in world history for generations to come with all accompanying chaos, paranoia and collective prolonged in-house dwelling there to. McAnally has managed to incorporate everything the world went through into lyrics and music and it sounds about right.

Outrage and anxiety are profitable properties he says and Charlatans Inc is consumerism colliding with tribalism with resulting paranoia and rebellion.

The agenda of biased news outlets is a hotbed for his lyrical pitchfork causing looting, overbuying/stockpiling, general paranoia and mob mentality, with neutral/unbiased voices buried in click-bait copy.

“The Great Reset” reveals corporate money and lobbying behind political movements masquerading as protecting John Q. Public while the hidden wolves of Wall Street shroud under a different cover.

His lyrics spread more than social commentary as McAnally has almost 20 years in the advertising field under his leather bullet belt.

Charlatans Inc recounts the Capitol attack and how manipulation and false information can rage people to anarchy and stupidity. TP’s still an important paper whether for manipulation or natural causes. McAnally’s using music as an eye-opening mic drop throwing back the curtain on what consumers are being fed.
Charlatans Inc. is also eight tracks of attractive, addictive industrial energy and mechanical anatomical noise fit for any well conditioned ear.

“Call A Man God” has a dirty dance floor vibe fit for any industrial/goth DJ list while “This is Control” clocks in shorter, more atmospheric and mechanically ethereal with clean vocals and industrial surroundings.

“View from the Cross” has a dirty, low down dusty POV. Riding guitar riffs like their high octane a road monster.

Charlatans Inc. is a hip new chapter in the world of The Cult without the crowd bull horn or televised hype machine. It’ll remind you of some of the industrial greats in their youth and prime and some are still running neck and neck with the new breed they inspired.

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