KK’s Priest Brought Heavy Sin to The King of Clubs Third Year Anniversary - Covering the Scene

KK’s Priest Brought Heavy Sin to The King of Clubs Third Year Anniversary

KK’s Priest Brought Heavy Sin to The King of Clubs Third Year Anniversary

On Saturday, March 16, The Return of The Sinner Tour smashed into The King of Clubs bringing a sold out crowd of hardcore fans to witness a diverse lineup of European metal and West Coast rock n’ roll.

Headliner devotee’s were adorned in attire sporting the name Priest, except there were two K’s in front, instead of a J. The year began with KK’s Priest arriving in the states for their first U.S. tour traveling the country on the 13 date tour with Burning Witches and L.A. Guns. Though the sunset strip act may have seemed strange accompaniment sandwiched between the all female Sabbath-celebrating Witches and Downing’s solo sinners. The guns put on a great show and definitely had support.

The tour supported KK’s second record The Sinner Rides Again with several selections played that night. The evening was a double themed party as The King of Clubs celebrated year three of being in loud, speaker shaking business as one of the premier Columbus music venues with 99.7 The Blitz on the scene. During the pre-show and in between bands the KOC showed their love and patron appreciation with games, raffles and give-away’s, including pizza, drinks and cash. Beach balls were released right before the Priest came on giving a festive, festival atmosphere.

Promoting The Sinner Rides Again with Tim ‘Ripper’ Owens at the helm, the sinning began with the female frenzy of the witches..

The burning began with the witches arrival. With new vocalist Laura Guldemond in the coven for a few years and latest album The Dark Tower conjured up last May, the ladies came out to hypnotize and head bang.

The iron maidens hit hard and fast opening with the deep drawing claw unleashing the beast.

It’s almost impossible for any metalhead to hear the words, wings of steel, and not immediate think “Painkiller” but the ladies had their own version as “Wings of Steel” pummeled out a majestic tone with lots of flying hair and screaming.

If they were old enough to have a classic, it was the driven punch and pace of deep growled “Hexenhammer.” They danced with the devil on stage in a “Lucid Nightmare” trance and stance.

It was a creepy intro to “The Dark Tower” with wicked narration straight into a Mercyful Fate-like riff. A morbid tale of beating hearts, rotting souls, sorcery and Bathory inspired headbanging. Lock… her in the tower!

They ended their spell with namesake tune “Burning Witches.” It’s a well known horror movie rule, if you find a book that doesn’t look like it should be opened, don’t. However if what the Witches delivered was partially conjured by incantation or pact, there’s always exceptions.

From Sweden, to the waves of West Coast So-Cal. Vocalist Phil Lewis joked they knew they were in heavy metal central that night and tour but played their set winning the crowd over with plenty of fans of Jayne and Black Diamonds.

They played like they were headlining, spreading the sunset gospel keeping the ‘80s Bic flame aesthetic alive and well.

The witches recently recorded a cover of Ozzy’s “Shot in the Dark” so it was fitting that the guns came out after “Diary of a Madman” played. Those used to seeing them headline, got a condensed set but did a nice job of spreading around new material with recent songs and classics considering it wasn’t exactly their crowd. They more than stood their ground and entertained all that came.

The jamming beat and guitars of “Cannonball” started with a sea sailing, plundering bang. The tried and true debut classic “Electric Gypsy” revved the gasoline on high. The Hollywood Vampires came out early flying high, falling fast from sky to earth “Over The Edge.”

Black Diamonds glistened like gold and “Like A Drug” was played with passion.

It could’ve been considered ballsy playing a song like “Sex Action” in front of a crowd of Priest fans but they did it anyway, after all it’s an L.A. classic, though Tracii sprinkled in some “Paint It Black.”

From physical action to high “Speed” action, it’s “Never Enough” to just play the song as is, so they added some satanic inspiration ringing “Hells Bells” for good measure.

The ‘softest’ song of the evening began, with the night’s lone ballad singing the haunting and tragic story of Jayne. They couldn’t leave without a loud, rock n’ roll goodbye and goodnight, hitting hard with the “Rip N’ Tear.”

The dark ominous intro and warning of the gatekeeper appeared on screen, awaiting the arrival of the sinners, signaling hellfire was on its way.

Lightning and thunder hit with bludgeoning force as K.K., Ripper and the horde hit the stage with storms and red smoke harkening their arrival. K.K. Downing led the way with Tim ‘Ripper’ Owens ready to roar with guitarist A.J. Mills, bassist Tony Newton, and drummer Sean Elg.

The sinner rode into battle with courage, vengeance, honor, rage and steel on “One More Shot of Glory.”

It was a tornado of souls, and a rising storm from the reaper before the victor would “Reap the Whirlwind” controlling the elements.

Things ‘calmed’ down a little indulging Columbus with two Priest tunes one from Rippers era and another from Painkiller.

Fans new and old got a taste of “Night Crawler” and the beast in black, followed by a rare Jugulator tune that turned up the heat. Ripper’s era has sadly been erased in live Priest shows so it was very fulfilling and fitting to get a jugulated gem and “Burn In Hell.”

Speaking of classic Priest, they took Columbus back to Stained Class and “Beyond the Realms of Death.” The crowd got more of the Painkillers wings of steel on “Hell Patrol.”

An early sermon from the sinner preached a bond of on the road brotherhood forged with “Brothers of the Road.” “The Green Manalishi” celebrating Priests early headbanging history. Columbus got a two-pronged dose of NWOBHM history that night. Ripper, an Akron native was close to home acknowledging Columbus and everyone that came from neighboring areas.

They called everyone out, celebrating the law breakers. If you’re seeing a band with priest in the name, you’ll probably hear that song. The Sad Wings of Destiny spread on screen as Ripper screamed out “Victim of Changes.” But that’s not unusual, just that the moon is full.

The sinner had his way on the encore spreading the unrelenting, stinging “Strike of the Viper.” “Raise Your Fists” was a horns raised high salute and goodbye to Columbus and the nights headbangers ball.

If you wanted metal, female musicians and a lesson in the ‘80s glam scene on the same night, this tour was your best chance for a one night education in three genre’s of metal.


Images/Words – Mike Ritchie

KK’s Priest – https://kkdowningofficial.com

L.A. Guns – www.facebook.com/L.A.GunsOfficial

Burning Witches – www.burningwitches.ch

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