A Perfect Circle

KOSM – Cosmonaut

Inspired by the sounds and work of Tool, Mastodon and A Perfect Circle among others Vancouver prog group KOSM have created their own musical H.P. Lovecraft influenced cosmic horror-sci-fi story.  Their debut centers on a cosmonauts transformation through time and space, breaking the chains of earthy confines, ascending to an immaterial and omnipotent being.  The work of Frank Herbert and Roger Zel...[Read More]

Night Club Offer Bitter Pills with Scary World

Since 2011, the two person team known as Night Club have toured, recorded and made videos with a devoted and creative DIY drive and attitude, slowly gaining attention, notoriety and respect the hard way.  They spent years grinding out shows on the road, doing countless self-financed indie tours traveling the coasts and country, gaining handfuls of fans per night. They’ve never given up their fight...[Read More]

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