Black Sabbath

Coven: The Magickal Chaos Tour Spellbinds Southgate House Revival

Saturday June 25th two bands played the inner sanctuary of the Southgate House Revival. One a home town favorite, across the river and the other a veteran act, cultured in the occult with history stretching back to days of early Sabbath and the remains of the ‘60s, hippie dream. Perhaps their music and image were the antithesis of flower power and dropping out, though everybody in the building tha...[Read More]

Evil Invaders – Shattering Reflection’s In Deepest Black

Belgium-based extreme metal new blood Evil Invaders have released album three, Shattering Reflection. A sharp, iron-clawed, speed banging attack designed to whiplash eardrums and damage flesh and bone in the pit.  The reflection was a five year project with blood, sweat and tears embedded in the songs, lyrics and riffs. The four-piece outfit is ready to shred and stomp their way across the post-pa...[Read More]

The Acid King – The Non-Satanic Story of Ricky Kasso

The ‘80s were known for many things. Loud clothes, indulgence of every kind, spandex, big hair and loud, heavy music. It was also the decade that so-called darkness came from the music via misinformation, paranoia, media hype and adult/journalistic finger pointing. This era was called the Satanic Panic. The decade was also known for its legendary and sometimes fatal intake of drugs. The ingredient...[Read More]

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