Evil Dead

Summoner’s Circle – Lovecraft Lore Conjures All

Summoner’s Circle is a six-piece band of dark brooding personalities, channeling their darker, character selves into their music, creating music for the horror appreciating mind and outer cosmos. Live they’re a loud, ominous act, willing to sacrifice anything, moving, crawling or otherwise for a memorable evening. The Knoxville sons and daughters have paved their way changing and experimenting to ...[Read More]

100 Candles – Mirrored in Black

Horror anthologies are a classic staple in film stretching back to the ‘60s with early classics Black Sabbath, Trilogy of Terror and Creepshow to name a few as well as numerous straight to video releases. While rarer these days, those released digitally and on DVD showcase up and coming directors, actors and new stories with new takes on classic formulas and new ideas eyes have never seen. Taking ...[Read More]

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